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Email: info@AcupunctureMedia.com
Text messaging: (331) 551-9123
Email: info@AcupunctureMedia.com
Text messaging: (331) 551-9123
*Retaking quizzes: As of January 12, 2025, we’ve recently updated our website and are currently experiencing issues with retaking quizzes. We are working to resolve the issue, which may take up to 24 hours. In the meantime, if you would like to retake a quiz, please email us your username and the course name, and we will reset your course to allow you to retake the quiz. Thank you for your patience.
*Start/Continue course: To enter your course, just click on the “Start/Continue Course” button found on the right side of the curriculum page once you’ve logged in.
*To access the course on your phone: The “Start/Continue Course” button is positioned at the bottom of the curriculum page due to the narrow screen in portrait mode.