About Us

Acupuncture Media is the publisher and the main distributor of Dr. HB Kim’s publications. HB Kim, DO PhD LAc is a nationally known lecturer for both the academic and clinical aspects of Eastern and Western Medicine. He is a brilliant scholar and his books are known nationwide and internationally. He delivers very precise yet generous and whole-hearted lectures. Acupuncture Media will continue to provide excellent products and services in the field of Eastern and Integrative Medicine via publications, exam reviews, and clinical courses. If you would like to be on our emailing list to receive free webinar announcements and updated charts, please sign up at the upper right corner of the website.

Contact Us


Text messaging: (331) 551-9123

*Retaking quizzes: As of January 12, 2025, we’ve recently updated our website and are currently experiencing issues with retaking quizzes. We are working to resolve the issue, which may take up to 24 hours. In the meantime, if you would like to retake a quiz, please email us your username and the course name, and we will reset your course to allow you to retake the quiz. Thank you for your patience.

*Start/Continue course: To enter your course, just click on the “Start/Continue Course” button found on the right side of the curriculum page once you’ve logged in.

*To access the course on your phone: The “Start/Continue Course” button is positioned at the bottom of the curriculum page due to the narrow screen in portrait mode.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. I am trying to register for the review/clinical courses but for some reason I am not receiving the email. How can I complete creating my username and login?
A. After you create your account, you must activate the new account. The account is activated by confirming the email request we send you. There are times when our message is blocked by your email security. If you don’t find the activation email in your inbox or in your spam folder, please contact us and we will activate your account.


Q. I am having trouble changing my password. How can I successfully change the password?
A. The new password works promptly, however at times there is an adjustment period for the system. If you are having trouble setting the password, please contact us and we will reset it for you.


Q. May I use a credit card on PayPal without an account?
A. Yes, you may purchase by credit card without a PayPal account or registration. Choose the “Pay with Debit/Credit Card” option without logging into PayPal. Payment by Venmo and Square are also accepted.


Q. How do I start my purchased courses and download handouts?
A. You can access courses and handouts by clicking “Start Courses” under the Course Menu. Please watch the 90-second video, “how to start your purchased courses”, under the Contact Us tab on our website. If you have any questions, please let us know.


Q. Can I access the courses on my phone?
A. Yes. You can access the courses on any desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone as long as you have internet connection. 


Q. Can I control the video speed?
A. Yes. You can click the setting wheel icon to change the video quality and the speed. You can choose up to twice the speed. 


Q. I only see the left half of the video player and I can’t make it full screen. How can I see change it to full screen?
A. That means your web browser is zoomed in. Please go to the web browser setting and zoom out. For example, you can click three dots on the right upper corner to change the zoom setting in the Chrome browser.


Q. Why are there three prices for the individual courses?
A. There are three prices depending on the duration ($99 for 3-months, $123 for 6-months, $145 for 12-months). It costs $25 to extend your individual course for an extra 3 months. Please consider the Triple/Full course package options if you want to save money. They are more cost-effective in the long-term.


Q. I have purchased an individual review course. Can I upgrade to the Triple/Full Course?
A. Yes. If you have purchased individual course, you can upgrade to the full review course by paying the difference. Please contact us if you want to upgrade your courses. We can send you a Square or PayPal invoice for the payment. 


Q. I have purchased an individual review course. Can I extend my subscription?
A. It costs $33 to extend your individual course for an extra 3 months.


Q. I have purchased a triple/full review course. Can I extend my subscription?
A. When you purchase the triple/full course, we can extend your course until you pass your board exams. Extensions are subject to proof of exam date or proof of school enrollment.


Q. Do you offer a bulk-rate?
A. Many schools choose our unique and effective review program for their student’s success. To learn more about our bulk rate, please have your school administrator contact us directly. This bulk rate is not for individual purchases. 


Q. Can I access the quiz results?
A. Yes. Please click “YOUR NAME” in the right upper corner, then click “COURSES”. You will see the “RESULTS” tab next to the “MY COURSES” tab. If you need the PDA/CEU certificate, please send us the screen capture of the quiz results.


Q. Can I try quizzes multiple times?
A. Yes, quizzes may be taken multiple times. The remaining number of attempts is displayed after submitting your answers.


Q. Are your PDA/CEU courses approved by NCCAOM?
A. Yes, Our NCCAOM PDA provider number is #1195. Sixty (60) PDA/CEU credits are required in a four-year NCCAOM recertification cycle. We currently have 124 PDA/CEU credits available including core competency courses and required safety/ethics courses. We are planning to add more clinical courses continuously. 


Q. Do you provide the 45-hour additional education certificate for NCCAOM?
A. According to the NCCAOM EXAM RETAKE POLICY, they may require the completion of 45 hours additional education (formal or continuing education or tutoring) after multiple attempts. All 45 hours of additional required education must be earned in the failed domain area(s) and taken within 1-year prior to the submission of the NCCAOM Request for Additional Exam Attempts Form. All of our individual courses satisfy their requirements and we can release the 45+ hour certificate if you need one. Please contact us if you have more questions.


Q. Can I share my subscription?
A. All rights reserved worldwide by HB Kim and Acupuncture Media. Intellectual copyright laws govern this class. No part of this lecture nor the materials given may be recorded, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author/teacher. Your subscription is only for you. We have set in place a suite of security measures to monitor simultaneous usage and sharing your subscription. If you violate the terms of your subscription, you will be terminated without a refund.
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